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~ See ~ Clairvoyant Training / Meditation

“Clairvoyance is the art of seeing the mind so you don’t have to be the mind. Clairvoyant Meditation is the practice of seeing the mind and its contents, letting go of the contents of the mind that you have been identified with. When you are seeing rather than being the mind, you are being who you really are: Pure Awareness. You then experience the Love and Joy inherent to your Being.”
~Jean Roorda


Begin Your Journey Here

The Happy Healers Foundation Course

  • Are You an Intuitive, Empath or Healer? Wanting greater Joy, Energy and Clarity?
  • Are You Ready to take a big step up in your Creativity and Power?
  • Do you Feel energy?  Would you like to also See energy and have Discernment and Certainty in your Awareness?
  • Would you like to establish or support your daily meditation practice?
  • Ready for greater Joy, Energy and Clarity?
  • The Happy Healers Foundation Course is your first step in Clairvoyant Training and Meditation Practice with Jean and the Happy Healers Community!
“Your class has literally changed my life. I feel so much healthier, happier, and more free to be the real me.” ~ Tiffany
Happy Healers Foundation Course

Establish Your
Space to BE

The Happy Healers Foundation Training is designed for Intuitives, Empaths and Healers ready to Create more Space to Be and Have your Awareness, Creative Power and Freedom.

This Course is accessed through the C H A L I C E App, and includes 6 weeks of daily 20 minute meditations that you complete at your own pace, according to the needs of your schedule, in the time and space you create for yourself.

Once you’ve completed the Foundation Training, you are invited to take any of the courses available on the app to continue your training at your own pace, and/or you can join the Happy Healers Community for Live Guided Meditations with Jean on Sunday mornings at 9am PST.

Join the Happy Healers Training and Community:

Transform frustration into Inspiration, struggles into Joy and pain into Wellness.

“Blessed are the Pure in Heart
For they shall See God.”
“Remember that your power comes from seeing and living the Truth.”
~Michael Tamura
“Practice Meditation.
You’ll find that you are
Carrying within your Heart
A portable paradise.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
“God is the Light in which I see.”