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*What it’s all about*

These labels “beginner” and “advanced” used here to categorize the levels of guided meditation are not really accurate.  I say this because we are all invited to be beginners, in the sense of having a “beginner’s mind”, seeing things fresh and new, with wonder and curiosity, as if seeing for the first time, discovering something we hadn’t noticed before, or forgot about.  And I include myself in this.  Furthermore, the awareness tools used in these meditations are profoundly simple and powerful, no matter how long one has used them, especially when handled with a beginner’s mind.  Therefore, whether you are just beginning to explore meditation, have tried out a variety of kinds of meditation or focused on a specific path, the meditation courses offered here are for you if you are seeking to Know your Self.

Self-Realization, to make real the Self, or to fully Know Thyself, is the path of meditation.  While meditation is not the only means to self-realization, it is certainly a key piece. Why?  Because you are not the mind, but you certainly have one.  Just as you are not the body, but you certainly have one.  The body, which is in the mind, is an expression of the subconscious mind:  the unfulfilled desires, unconscious fears, buried guilt, anything left unforgiven.  The mind is a powerful creative tool.  When unharnessed–in other words, unowned, unknown, left to its own devices—you become the effect of the mind.  You become the thoughts produced by your mind, and others too.

Clairvoyant Meditation is the practice of seeing the mind, rather than being the mind.  In so doing, you have the space to see who and what you really are, as well as you and what you have become over lifetimes of incarnating and being the effect of the mind.  Doh!  This is where forgiveness becomes crucial!  As well as amusement 😉

The first few years of consistently practicing Clairvoyant Meditation is all about getting IN the body, bringing your creative power, soul awareness and essence fully into the body-mind.  Not as though the body is a container for you, but as though it is a space that is yours, that you can fully occupy, so as to clear out any foreign occupying thoughts, energies, people and other beings that do not belong, do not support you in present time, do not promote your process of Self-Realization.

This is why I differentiate here, with the best words I can find, between what is most important and helpful to realize (make real) when one is in the first few years of a consistent meditation, healing, inner realization practice, and the next step(s) in that realization process.  The “beginner” courses bring you more fully into your body mind.  They address various aspects of the mind that have to do with what is stored in the body, especially the subconscious and unconscious spaces within, how to re-own/reclaim those spaces, and bring your Awareness into full Presence here in the body-mind.

Then we have the “advanced” courses: because the mind extends beyond the body.  (Remember, the body is in the mind, not the other way around).  Getting to know the mind to its full limits and beyond is what I call “advanced” meditation because it involves exploring, understanding and knowing the Trance-Medium Space.  In other words: the space between the body and pure Spirit.

 This is not a physical space of course, nor is it measurable.  We could say that the Trance-Medium space is all the energy, pictures (mental images), impressions in the levels of Beingness beyond the body, but still in the realm of Soul and Universe.  The space of existence that has defined who you are as an individuated soul, who others are as individuated souls, and all the levels of energy each of us encounter in our Consciousness beyond the body is the space between—the Medium, that which is in the middle of—body and Spirit.  We say “Trance” Medium because the body appears to be in a trance when you are in the “Medium” space during meditation, because you are not in the body, but the body is not asleep (ideally 😉

Yes, it is vast.  But not as limitless as Spirit. 

This space is where a lot of folks explore in a variety of meditation practices, often without realizing they are out of the body, or differentiating between these spaces in the mind.  It is quite helpful to be clear about “where” you are.  This is because if you are never fully in the body with your Awareness, you are leaving that space (the body) in the dark.  And, bringing your body mind into the light of Awareness (what we generally call (“enlightenment”) is how you transform your experience as an incarnating Soul:  completing karmic patterns, ending suffering, creating from Joy and Grace (to summarize 😉

This is not to discredit any other forms of meditation that traverse the out of body realms.  Indeed, there is much to be gained from experiencing the purity of Spirit, and getting to know what lies beyond the body, which can often feel like an overwhelming or boring burden.  There is great value in meditation in a variety of forms, and much wisdom in the many ancient traditions and practices of meditation.

If, and when, you as a soul are needing Clairvoyant Meditation as a next step, it is here for you.  I am here for you.

Clairvoyant Meditation, both beginner and advanced, brings you to greater levels of ownership of your Awareness, how and where you are centering your Awareness, and how you are (or are not) owning your space of Awareness as Spirit.

If you have practiced the variety of clairvoyant meditations offered in the “beginner” arena here, or had similar clairvoyant training, and would like to continue to explore and own your Space, you are welcome and encouraged to join the monthly advanced meditations in which we include the Trance-Medium space and delve into deeper levels of Soul and Spirit Awareness, Healing, Power and Creativity.  I specifically recommend at least 2 years of consistent practice of Grounding and In-the-Body meditation first before moving into the “advanced” meditations.  If you are a seasoned Clairvoyant and would like to explore your trance mediumship with me, I look forward to sharing this space with you.  You can always reach out with any questions.  I am happy to hear from you.

The more awareness you bring into the body-mind, the more awareness you will have out of the body, because awareness is whole. 

If you are eager to explore the Trance-Medium space (and I fully understand your enthusiasm: it is a transcendental space indeed), please know that it is super important that you practice and own the “beginner” levels of clairvoyant meditation first: bringing your Awareness into the body-mind, grounding, clearing that space of the mind.  I assure you: it is well worth it. 

You will experience the pure Joy of beingness in the trance medium space with greater and greater ease and clarity, and be able to fully bring that ease and clarity back into your body with you, when there is nothing to transcend.  When you can be right here in the body-mind, fully see and have all that it contains, the space between your body and Spirit shrinks, eventually disappears.  There is just you, Spirit, and your clear body of Light.

Until then, let’s continue to explore and practice being Spirit in and with a body on the path of knowing our Self, with as much playful enjoyment and creative ownership as we can along the way.

I invite you to join me!


Monthly Trance-Medium and Clairvoyant Meditations

Topics and Dates for January through April:

* How and Why is Mediumship often misunderstood, misused or “out of control”?
Monday, February 17th,  6-8 pm PST
* Discovering how and when you become the effect of your Mediumship
Monday, March 17th,  6-8 pm PST
* Creating space to Have and Trust your Mediumship
Monday, April 21st,  6-8 pm PST
* Where do you go when you are “out”?
Monday, May 19th,  6-8 pm PST

Classes are $80 each.  Email me to join:  These will Not be on the app.

“Clergy knowledge is based on religious law.
The knowledge of judges is based on proof.
But the knowledge of the divine messengers
is based on direct perception of the Light of God”
“Love created me like itself.”
“Inspiration means to embody yourself as spirit, to live as who you are”
~Michael Tamura
“Okay my dear, you have stumbled enough in the earth’s sweet dance. You have paid all your dues Many times. Now let’s get down to the real reason why we sit together and breathe and begin the laughing, the divine laughing, like great heroic women and magnificent strong men.”