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Your Connection to Clairvoyant Meditation Classes & Community

  • Step 1:   Download the App    iOS Download     Android Download
  • Step 2:  Create Account and Sign In
  • Step 3:   Explore Free Introductory Classes, such as:  All About Clairvoyance and What is a Growth Period?
  • Step 4:   Begin your Training with the Foundation Course (Parts 1-3):  Ground into a 6 week daily meditation practice.  This Course is go-at-your-own-pace, and do when you can. While it is ideal and fulfilling to complete each meditation every day for 6 weeks, it is perfectly ok to skip days.  It is up to you to commit yourself to completing it or not.  It is designed for busy folks, parents, those of us juggling a lot.  You will find it easier to handle all that you already handle once you’ve established the practices in this Course.  Contact Jean at any time during the Course if you have questions and/or need some cheerleading, guidance, encouragement or amusement!
  • Step 5:   Browse the library of meditations to continue your journey of Spiritual Growth, Healing and Transformation.  Choose from individual Meditations listed under “Lessons” in the bottom navigation bar, or enjoy the Courses on various healing and awareness topics by clicking on “Courses” in the bottom navigation bar.
  • Step 6:   If you prefer to participate in Live classes/meditations in addition to or instead of the recorded classes, click “Live” on the bottom navigation and sign up for the Happy Healers Live Meditations.  These take place Sundays at 9am PST.  (Please Note: Please complete the Foundation Course or a Clairvoyant Training with another teacher before joining the Sunday Meditations in order to understand and benefit from them).
  • Step 7:   Click “Community” in the bottom navigation to share experiences, communicate with others who are participating in the Meditations/Courses, ask questions, say Hello etc
  • Step 8:   Click “Settings” in the bottom navigation to communicate directly with Jean, schedule a Reading and Healing, view all of your downloads, set up or change notifications etc.

Event Schedule

“Clergy knowledge is based on religious law.
The knowledge of judges is based on proof.
But the knowledge of the divine messengers
is based on direct perception of the Light of God”
“Love created me like itself.”
“Inspiration means to embody yourself as spirit, to live as who you are”
~Michael Tamura
“Okay my dear, you have stumbled enough in the earth’s sweet dance. You have paid all your dues Many times. Now let’s get down to the real reason why we sit together and breathe and begin the laughing, the divine laughing, like great heroic women and magnificent strong men.”