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New Leo Moon

I have the sun inside of me
I see Her shining
and I feel the Roar of newness
a lioness telling the jungle of shadows:
Here I come
I’m a shadow chaser
my Light reveals All that is hidden
and You will become what you have always been
but did not See
keep reaching
and touch all that is breaking
I am the Heart
revealing: there is no darkness
only Light obscured
I am sharp claws pawing
in the darkness Roaring
at that which obscures slicing
through convolution, clearing confusion
crushing complexity
piercing the veil
Nothing is hidden
I am Revelation and
You will be Revealed
Because there is no shame
and your vulnerability is your strength
I say: Roar with me!
in triumph and exulted fucking celebration!!!
This is it!!
There is power Here!
You Are this Power
this surge of Life
this explosion of creative genius
this pulse of Love
this beat of Eternity
this Song of Home
Be it.
and Roar like you mean it!