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Please don’t pray for me.

Place your hands together in the center of God

and shed every tear that kept you

from that all-encompassing Love.

Please don’t pray for me.

Close your eyes and see

the luminous infinite Light that is You,

at one with the Love that is God.

Please don’t pray for me.

Gather all your wanting

your longing and your aching

and cast them like tiny disappearing stones

into the endless depths of God’s ocean

You are the water

Please don’t pray for me.

Raise your sail to the winds of Love and fly

swiftly Home to the Peace of God

Please don’t pray for me.

Dare the demons of fear and guilt to come get you

Laugh as they fade into the Truth of Love

Please don’t pray for me.

Dance with me and God

in the Heart of Joy, and surrender

every need to be separate

Please don’t pray for me.

seek out the cracks in your view

and fill them with God’s eyes

see only Love

Please don’t pray for me.

kneel before the Infinite

drink It’s wine and flood yourself

with the stillness of Heaven

and the innocence of You

Please don’t pray for me.

Pray with me

in the center

Smile, Dance, Laugh

Sing in the joy of this union

the bliss of this kiss of Truth

the sigh of this deep surrender

the Peace of the everlasting Love

that Is

~ Jean Roorda deFauw 3/9/11

Dear Friends,

I felt inspired to share this now.

With Love,
